Last Updated On: 23rd Feb, 2023
Important Note: Fees (or the "Pricing") are mentioned in USD (US $) for the platform.
At this moment we accept USD and INR currencies for providing the services online. We send payment in "USD" for Non-Indian Users; In "INR" for Indian users only.
We're charging US$0.025 for 25 Tasks effective from 1st April 2022.
A minor fees will be charged for number of tasks when your job is approved by our Admin Panel to avoid spam and maintain quality work. (It is not counted on your 'per task' amount, so overall its benefit for you.)
For example, If you are hiring 100 workers to get your work done, you have to pay $0.1 only, Check below formula
((US$0.025 * 100 Workers)/25 Tasks) = $0.1
If you increase or decrease the number of Solvers (Workers) for your job requirement, the amount will be recalculated using above formula.
The reason behind charging fees is to provide high-quality platform with 24x7 support. Our team is actively monitoring and delivering good outputs for you.
We don't charge any extra fees. It may vary 1%-5% based on your chosen Payment Method
Create your account by entering simple & your original information.
Deposit money to your workerbees wallet from any of the payment gateway. To create a job tasks for your requirement.
Get fruitful outputs from our virtual workforce