Last Updated On: 23rd Feb, 2023

Fees Breakdown
Let's have better quality platform

Fees Breakdown

Important Note: Fees (or the "Pricing") are mentioned in USD (US $) for the platform.

At this moment we accept USD and INR currencies for providing the services online. We send payment in "USD" for Non-Indian Users; In "INR" for Indian users only.

We're charging US$0.025 for 25 Tasks effective from 1st April 2022.

  • A minor fees will be charged for number of tasks when your job is approved by our Admin Panel to avoid spam and maintain quality work. (It is not counted on your 'per task' amount, so overall its benefit for you.)

  • For example, If you are hiring 100 workers to get your work done, you have to pay $0.1 only, Check below formula
    ((US$0.025 * 100 Workers)/25 Tasks) = $0.1

  • If you increase or decrease the number of Solvers (Workers) for your job requirement, the amount will be recalculated using above formula.

The reason behind charging fees is to provide high-quality platform with 24x7 support. Our team is actively monitoring and delivering good outputs for you.

Fees Breakdown (Digitalworkerbees Fees)

Description Non-Member Member
Subscription Plan Free
Posted Job Approval Charge
Note: Charge is applicable to SeekerBees (Employers - who are posting the jobs) only.
per 25 Tasks
No Charge
Withdrawal Platform Fees
For example, If you are earning $100 - The platform will take $7 or $2.9 depending on your subscription plan.
We make money only when you do.
7% 2.9%
Task Bonus Deductions
We charge a 3.0% fees, and you keep 97% of the bonus.
For members, you keep 100%.
3% 0%
Verified User Badge
Complete your e-KYC
  • Trust and Credibility
  • Enhance Reputation
  • Quality Assurance
  • Security and Safety
Refunds from your spendable wallet
With valid reason to refund, We will deduct a small amount from your wallet.
10% 5%
Restore Account after policy violations
It is permitted ONE TIME only.
To reactivate your blocked or suspended account, you need to pay penalty amount to restore your account.
Your balance will remain as it is!

Deposits Fees & Withdrawals Fees (Payment Gateways' charge)

We don't charge any extra fees. It may vary 1%-5% based on your chosen Payment Method

Payment Method Support

Methods USD INR Deposit Withdrawal
Debit Card/ Credit Card
Net Banking
UPI / Google Pay, Phone Pe, Paytm
Our Other Product Services and Fees/Pricings
Graphic Designing
  • Advertising Banner - $5
  • Social Media Banners - $5
  • Remove Objects from Picture - $5
  • Creative CD/DVD Labels - $5
  • Envelope Designs - $5
  • Image Editing Work- $5
  • Business Card - $10
  • Creative Logo - $10
  • Flyers/Poster - $10
  • Book Covers Design - $50
Basic Package is starting from $5 to $50 and may vary as per client's requirement.

Write an Article
  • Unique article from 75 to 600+ Words
Starting from $8-$250, (It may vary on base of Article Niche, Researches, and level of efforts)

Social Media Packages
  • Facebook
  • Quora
  • Medium
  • Instagram
  • Whatsapp
  • Pinterest
  • Others
Package Amount to build up audience may vary upon the selection of the social media and their features.

Video Marketing
  • Socialize your video content at affordable price
Starts from $1.25 to $10+ depending on the package selection.

Development/Troubleshooting Work for your web applications at Affordable price
  • Angular - $25/Hour
  • Node - $35/Hour
  • Java - $40/Hour
  • Php/Wordpress/Laravel - $15/Hour
  • Python - $40/Hour
  • Flutter - $40/Hour
  • React - $40/Hour
  • Android/iOS Development - $40/Hour
  • Database (MySQL/Postgres SQL/SQL-Server) - $20/Hour
  • Miscellaneous - Starting from $10 minimum
Starting minimum from $10 and may vary upon research, level of efforts and type of work.

How to purchase services?

Quick Sign Up
Quick Sign Up

Create your account by entering simple & your original information.

Deposit money to your wallet
Wallet - Deposits

Deposit money to your workerbees wallet from any of the payment gateway. To create a job tasks for your requirement.

Get fruitful outputs from our virtual workforce
Faster & Quality Work Deliverables

Get fruitful outputs from our virtual workforce

Payment Gateways: Right now we are accepting payments in USD and INR currencies through our authorized payment processors like Stripe, Paypal, Razorpay and Paytm globally. We will look forward to integrate more payment gateways in near furture, so users can have multiple options available to deposit and withdraw money.